Spirit Song
Spirit Song is a direct record of the start of my spiritual journey. 2011, was a huge year of spiritual growth and development for me personally, as it was for a large part of humanity. The earth had many changes in vibration and for many it was the beginning of a time of growth and personal development. When I set out to paint this work I wanted to commemorate this special time in my life. I set out to create a piece that felt illuminated and soft and that would radiate love. I wanted it to have a high vibration and be a source of healing.
This was the first time in my life that I thought about creating a piece of art that would actually have a purpose other than simply being something to simply add beauty to a space. Though up until this time I realized the marriage between art and emotion, I never crossed over to the elevated thought of emotion being a component of healing! For the first time I was setting out to create a piece of art that would have healing properties and that would reflect to the world outside of myself what my spirit was learning and feeling on the inside. This painting was to help others heal. How does one start to create a painting of healing?
I started simply. I had been studying the chakras at this time which are the energy centers of our body. We have 7 major energy centers in the human body. These energy centers are associated with different components of consciousness and color. The solar plexus is one of the main energy centers of the body and is associated with our feelings of belonging, knowing who we are what our place is in the universe. It is associated with the color yellow and the spiral. Because I wanted to create a painting that would help a viewer feel like they belonged and create a sense of calmness I started with a light yellow and ochre spiral type shape.
From the spiral I moved on to represent the heart which is associated with the color pink and is associated with our personal relationship with our self. With this in mind I started to add touches of pink. Burch trees are known as one of the seven sacred trees and are believed to have great healing properties and feminine energy so they were added as a natural burst of feminine healing properties.
The end result was a painting that I fell in love with. It is truly a special painting and a gift. I was amazed at the discovery of how powerful creating something with the intention of being healing couls be. Today I paint most of my works with a set intention and I continue to explore our ability to heal myself and others with creativity.
There is so much more to who we are than we know. We are so powerful and graceful and we have the ability to truly affect others in so many ways and on so many levels. I am grateful that I started this amazing journey and I am grateful to my guides who help me express my love and joy so clearly and freely.
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