Saturday, February 25, 2012

Creating Spirit Song~ Can art heal the viewer?

Spirit Song
Spirit Song is one of the few paintings that has made its way into my beloved personal collection. This painting was painted primarily with a pallet knife and oil paints and is 32x46 inches.
Spirit Song is a direct record of the start of my spiritual journey. 2011, was a huge year of spiritual growth and development for me personally, as it was for a large part of humanity. The earth had many changes in vibration and for many it was the beginning of a time of growth and personal development.  When I set out to paint this work I wanted to commemorate this special time in my life. I set out to create a piece that felt illuminated and soft and that would radiate love. I wanted it to have a high vibration and be a source of healing.
 This was the first time in my life that I thought about creating a piece of art that would actually have a purpose other than simply being something to simply add beauty to a space. Though up until this time I realized the marriage between art and emotion, I never crossed over to the elevated thought of emotion being a component of healing! For the first time I was setting out to create a piece of art that would have healing properties and that would reflect to the world outside of myself what my spirit was learning and feeling on the inside. This painting was to help others heal. How does one start to create a painting of healing?
I started simply. I had been studying the chakras at this time which are the energy centers of our body. We have 7 major energy centers in the human body. These energy centers are associated with different components of consciousness and color. The solar plexus is one of the main energy centers of the body and is associated with our feelings of belonging, knowing who we are what our place is in the universe. It is associated with the color yellow and the spiral. Because I wanted to create a painting that would help a viewer feel like they belonged and create a sense of calmness I started with a light yellow and ochre spiral type shape.
From the spiral I moved on to represent the heart which is associated with the color pink and is associated with our personal relationship with our self. With this in mind I started to add touches of pink. Burch trees are known as one of the seven sacred trees and are believed to have great healing properties and feminine energy so they were added as a natural burst of feminine healing properties.
The end result was a painting that I fell in love with. It is truly a special painting and a gift. I was amazed at the discovery of how powerful creating something with the intention of being healing couls be. Today I paint most of my works with a set intention and I continue to explore our ability to heal myself and others with creativity.
There is so much more to who we are than we know. We are so powerful and graceful and we have the ability to truly affect others in so many ways and on so many levels. I am grateful that I started this amazing journey and I am grateful to my guides who help me express my love and joy so clearly and freely.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Painting "Youth Remembers" The inspiration behind the art

Youth Remembers
Youth Remembers is a very special painting for me. It was inspired by a childhood memory of a farm I used to call home when I was a little girl. I spent many days playing in these fields and many, many evenings catching fireflies for bed time in mason jars. One of the perks to living on a 385 acre farm with only a handful of neighbors and no outsider traffic is the gift of freedom. We were allowed, after our chores were done that is, to run these fields in harmony with the wind. We flew kites, raced bikes, rode horses and tail gates and we lived as big and as open as the fields themselves were to a little girl of 8 years of age.  I remember lying in the tall grasses, braiding them together to make bracelets and belts in the summer time. I remember my mother and father cutting Christmas trees from raggy pines growing on that first hedge you see there which were tightly wrapped in honeysuckle and trumpet vine. This was one of the most magical times of my life and so I felt inspired to paint it to share with the world.
It is beautiful when our minds memory and the memory in our hearts are allowed to merge. 28 years have passed since I was a child playing in these fields and I have discovered that though the mind’s eye grows dim or blurs, the hearts memory becomes ever more strong and sure. It is likely as a girl I never noticed this field to look so beautiful and pink, nor did I likely take time from firefly hunting to actually enjoy the view to notice how many were actually around me….but my heart remembers.
Painting this piece was like a homecoming for me. This piece is in my private collection and will likely be with me the rest of the days of my life. It is a true reflection of my soul and it is a snapshot of my youth. I think that this is what I was truly in love with in this painting. When I look at this work it is like hugging my inner child, for a moment I am still lying in the tall grasses watching clouds roll by day dreaming...
I invite you to go back in your mind to a place in your mind where you felt complete freedom and joy. To a place where you were one with your spirit and your spirit was full. I then invite you to rediscover those feelings by creating something that represents that place with an open heart. It truly can be an amazing adventure to rediscover your youth.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Gratitude brings inspiration, not the weather!

Winter can be just as inspiring as any other season
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard others, even artists, groan on about how uninspired they are in the winter months. They then go on to talk about a lack of sun and energy which is responsible for their sluggish, unproductive habits. I was one of them up until about 5 years ago!
I want to share with you that being inspired is something that happens within us and not something that comes from the outside. Inspiration is a state of mind and of being.  Inspiration is not something that has to have specific temperatures, weather conditions and objects to occur. The only element that is needed to have inspiration is gratitude. If we are not feeling inspired, it is most likely because in some way we are not recognizing our blessings!
Here are some of the things that I am grateful for and drawing inspiration from this January afternoon.
The ability to feel the wind on my skin, my thick mane of hair, my mittens coat and scarf, my job which I have the day off from to spend time with my family which paid for the mittens coat and scarf, my boss who allows me to grow and who grows with me, my friends who are going to be reading this, my friends who will not read this, my cocker spaniel who is sleeping on my left foot right now, my little girl who is making a card for my husband for when he gets up from his midday nap…my beautiful husband who is comfortable and content enough to be sleeping on the couch, the teddy bear tucked behind my left shoulder which my little girl placed there to keep me company while I work, the blanket on my lap which was my grandmas blanket, I am thankful and inspired by my grandmother who owned this blanket and slept under it until the day she passed away, life, I am thankful for my life and health, my youth and my strength, I am thankful for my spiritual awakening and my ability to hear them, I am thankful to spirit for allowing me to be individual and still connected, I am thankful for the march of time and its pace guiding me forward…..
I could go on and on here, the point is, looking back through the list there are many paintings, poems, songs or stories that could be realized here….we didn’t even get into the beauty of snow, bark or nature but I do want to add that I am thankful for the fall of the leaves so that I can better see the owls and animals which are most often hidden in our wise old trees!
So get a piece of paper and start making a list of what you are thankful for right now at this moment…find true gratitude and then inspiration will come!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Everyone is Creative!

Remember the joy and excitement of being a young person and being given a new box of crayons? How about dancing, making up your own songs or writing poems? And who didn’t love spending the day in the forest building a fort or pretending you were cowboys and Indians?
Think back now, do you recall your last box of new crayons or the last fort you built? If you are like most of us those years and memories are faded to a collage of fond dream like visions. Our creative selves have given way to our need to mature and with the business of adulthood have become all but lost and forgotten. How can it be that most of us move from being art filled children into adults no longer in touch with the creative forces within?
As human beings we are hardwired to be creative.  Having a creative outlet is essential to our wellbeing. Truth is everyone is creative. True, not everyone chooses the path of a sculptor, painter, or dancer as a life career path but creativity is a life trait our species must express to thrive. Some say art (in all its forms) is an expression of the soul, others say that artistic outlets are vital for times when there are no words to express what we are feeling and many people believe that art is one of our strongest tools available to move beyond the ego and connect with our true selves.
There are innumerable articles written about the many benefits of having a creative outlet ranging from increasing early childhood development, cures for depression and mental illness to having physical healing properties. There is also the idea of creating art simply because it is fun. In the case of drawing or painting as an outlet it can feel really rewarding to transform a vision or feeling that has been on your mind or buried in your memory and bring it to light to share with the world or to simply release it from your heart.
Creativity can take many shapes. Look into your life today and see where your creativity is waiting to take shape. Spending an hour or two of creative time a week you could dramatically improve the relationship you have with yourself. When we are happy with self we are able to be happy with others. I thank god for my beautiful, messy, creative life and I wish the same for yours!